Thursday, December 24, 2009

Science and the Olympics!

Two of my favorite things - the Olympics and Science!

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

New Penn Engineering Magazine

Great issue of the Penn Engineering Magazine! Click here for articles on Penn Engineering faculty Dr. Cherie Kagan, Dr. Susan Davidson, Dr. Katherine Kuchenbecker and AWE Director Michele Grab.

Monday, December 21, 2009

Increasing interest in Computer Science

National Computer Science Education Week was Dec 7 and the NYTimes had two interesting articles about increasing interest in Computer Science.

New Programs Aim to Lure Young Into Digital Jobs
Computer Science Education: It's Not Shop Class

Friday, December 4, 2009

Student Survey

MUSE Consulting would like your thoughts on a new career advising service. Take a 5 minute survey and win prizes! Click here for the survey!

Friday, October 23, 2009


Congrats to AWE Faculty Board Member Susan Margulies! Dr Margulies was just named a fellow of BMES. Read about it here

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Graduate Women's Coffee Break!

Join us for another one of our great coffee breaks!

Come to a Cheesecake and Coffee Break!

WHO: Graduate women in Penn Engineering
WHAT: Come take a break from your day and relax with your fellow
graduate women in engineering
WHEN: Thursday, Oct 22 from 2-3pm
WHERE: Raisler Lounge, Towne Building
WHY: Because everyone needs a break!

Thursday, October 8, 2009

AWE T-shirts!

Check out our awesome new AWE t-shirts! Come to any AWE events and get entered into a raffle to win one for yourself!

Friday, September 25, 2009

House Committee talks Math and Science

Minority Students needed in Math and Science according to professors who testified before the House Sub-Committee on Higher Education. Read article here

Tuesday, September 8, 2009


Sign up for Mentornet! Read all about it here

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

PennGEMS makes a splash!

Penn Students Helping Middle School Girls With Science
August 7, 2009 | KYW Radio (Philadelphia)
_Penn’s Girls in Engineering Math and Sciences_, GEMS, is featured.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Welcome Class of 2013!

Congrats to all who have been accepted into the Penn Engineering class of 2013! Registration for our Women in Engineering Pre-orientation is now open so check it out here. You get to move in early, meet your fellow women engineers, talk with upper-class students and faculty, and generally have a great time getting settled before new student orientation begins!

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Obama establishes the White House Council on Women and Girls

President Obama has signed an executive order to establish the White House Council on Women and Girls. Read more about this important new committee here.

Monday, March 16, 2009

Turing Award Winner!

Congrats to Barbara Liskov, the first woman in the United States to earn a Ph.D. from a computer-science department and a professor at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology who has won the 2008 Turing Award. The Turing Award is the most prestigious award in computing. Read more about Dr Liskov and the Turing award here

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Global Marathon

Global Marathon 'Connecting Women to Engineer a Better Future; Because Dreams Need Doing'

Now and into the future engineers and innovators will face new challenges and be called upon to play a vital role in helping solve the world's future health, safety, environmental and economic problems. To help prepare these leaders, National Engineers Week Foundation presents the 5th annual Global Marathon For, By and About Women in Engineering. Sponsored by Agilent, Motorola Foundation, and the S.D. Bechtel, Jr. Foundation, this live, 24-hour worldwide forum provides information, insight, and inspiration for women and girls on topics related to careers in engineering and technology. The Global Marathon begins at noon (EDT) Wednesday, March 11th and runs continuously through noon (EDT), Thursday, March 12th. Marathon programming is being organized and facilitated in six regions: North America, South America, UK/Europe, Africa/Middle East, India, and China.

This year's Global Marathon, themed 'Connecting Women to Engineer a Better Future; Because Dreams Need Doing', will feature virtual programming from around the world focusing on the benefits and wide-ranging career possibilities for women in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics. Participants will also be able to participate in post-marathon networking opportunities. The Global Marathon coincides with Women's History Month (March) in the U.S. and International Women's Day (March 8, 2009).

In addition to the Global Marathon's 24 hours of virtual programming, a global text messaging contest will also be held, thanks to Motorola. Participants can describe "The Dream You'd Do" as an innovative engineer or scientist in 40 words or less and post their entries on the Global Marathon website. Those taking part in the Marathon worldwide can vote on their favorites. One winner per region will be announced on March 16th, with the winner receiving a mobile phone from Motorola.

For more information or to be part of the Global Marathon and to find coordinators in all regions, please visit .

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

GEMS Registration Opens

The GEMS Summer Camp 2009 registration will open today. Registration is available online here.

Last summer, 28 girls got to try their hand at bioengineering, mechanical engineering, computer science, and material science with a variety of fun and education activities. This year, we've added robotics, environmental engineering, biotechnology, and nanotechnology.

Spots fill up quickly, so register soon! The deadline for registration is April 3rd. GEMS itself starts Monday, August 3rd and lasts until that Friday, the 7th of August.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

New Hope for Lifting Women in Science

Interesting article in today's New York Times:

Will the Obama administration be able to impact women in science and engineering? Read the full article [here].